Lovegreece™ provides a wide range of custom works for B2B Clients like Luxury Hotels, Museums, Big Events, Weddings, Yacht Marinas, Rental Villas, Luxury Travel Companies, Film Production Companies, Foreign Embassies, Greek Festivals in the USA and Australia.
From customized Lovegreece products, to originally designed items, to art collaborations, we produce gifts for your guests and custom collections for your shops with the same meticulous attention to detail, packaging and design.
All products in our collection can be customized to clients specifications keeping the Lovegreece standards of quality and Made in Greece – Made With Love production.
Call us or send us an email to request a quote or arrange a visit to our showroon:
Tsami Karatasou 16, Acropolis
Athens 11742, Greece
Tel: +30 210 9220269
Email: [email protected]